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An early flowering, pure African Sativa from the Kenyan slopes of Kilimanjaro, this strain is the result of generations of crossbreeding by the native population though she's since been stabilised to improve some of her properties, such as resin production, while leaving her main qualities and taste intact. The natives call her âthe elephant flattener❠and use her stimulating and trippy effects in their religious ceremonies and for hunting. One of the best strains for growing outdoors or in greenhouses, she produces solid buds even under adverse conditions, has a pleasant citrusy taste and is very strong.
Genotype: 100% sativa
THC: 15-20%
Indoor Harvest Time: from 75 to 80 days
Flavour: Sweet fruit
Way of cropping: Ind/Out
Production: 350gr indoor / 400-600gr outdoor
Smell: Very High
Effect: Cerebral
Resistance to mold: Medium
Outdoor Harvest Time: late October
Resistance to plagues: Medium
Sex: Feminized
Lineage: Kenia (Africa)
Irrigation tolerancy: Medium
Medicinal value: Medium