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We took several phenotypes of the Granada Mountains and crossed them with our varieties to find a plant more narcotic and with a stronger effect. The outcome is this strain of fast flowering.

Plant of median appearance with long thin buds, but very compact and heavy.

It has a deep green color that is becoming clearer as the flowering progresses.

It has a touch of acid haze because of its crossing with Yumbolt.

Probably the fastest Sativa in the world.

Type 80% Sativa / 20% Indica
Production 500 / 600 gr. / m2 600 W
Bloom 60 / 65 Days
Height 90 / 180 cm
Production 500 / 1000 gr. per plant
Bloom Latin America Mid September
Bloom Europe Mid March
Height 120 / 250 cm
THC: 17% CBN: 0.6% CBD: 1.9%