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Northern by CBD Seeds is the result of crossing a Thai Sativa and an Afghan Indica. This strain has won multiple awards with its old school flavors and highly potent weed. Keeping the optimum planting density of 20 and 25 individuals per square meter will result in a harvest of about 350-400g/m² of highly potent weed.
Northern by CBD Seeds requires a flowering time of 8-9 weeks to develop large central buds - actually the plants grow just like one single giant bud without any branching and only very few, but large leaves in-between, making it easy to trim the crop. The end product has a THC level of 14-16% and induces a nicely balanced, positive high with a deep mental relaxation. The unique smell of the marijuana reminds of sweet Asian spices and includes anise, cinnamon, mustard and even nutmeg. The smoked weed has a smooth taste of vanilla and spices.
Northern by CBD Seeds is one of the most commercial varieties that exist today and has been used by many breeders to create new varieties and CBD Seeds wants to keep this strain as pure as possible to make it available to those who appreciate the flavor of days long gone.