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Saga is a new CBD strain which contains very little amounts of THC, under 1%. This means it doesnt make you high, no psychoactive effect at all. It is preferred by medicinal users that have an active working life and can dose CBD at any time of the day without any psychoactive effect. with an awesome sativa flavor that makes smoking a sensuous experience. Up to 21% of therapeutically valuable CBD makes the strain a good choice if you need help treating depression, eating disorders, ADHD, and many other health conditions.

Genetica: Indica, Sativa
Temps de floraison: 65 jours
CDB: 20%
THC: 0.9%
Effet: Relaxant
Hauteur: Grand Max 200cm
Mois de moisson: Octobre (Eind)
Récolte: 700gr/m ²
Montant: 1, 10, 3, 5